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 ABOUT Random FOrest: 

Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog. I only have a few blog ideas right now, but I'm sure I'll come up with more as I work through different challenges. I won't waste your time talking about tips that others have covered over the suggested readings and forums. Rather, I'll post things that I come up with on my own and cross my fingers that they're original.

While working through the Self Driving Car Engineer program at Udacity, I noticed a lot of fellow students were struggling to get through projects like the behavioral cloning project in which you teach a car to drive through multiple courses in a simulation autonomously. More than that, I had some improvements on the suggestions made by Udacity and other students - things that made my neural networks train much faster with 1/20th of the data suggested by other students.... despite the fact that fine tuning these solutions took more time than collecting more data did in the short term. So I figured, why not write a blog and provide a resource for others following the same path as me? 

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